The Generous Life

How do we know if we're truly generous? For most of us, we want to be known as someone who lived a generous life. We don’t want money and possessions to guide our decisions. We would rather live open-handed so that we can bless others. This book gives practical steps on how to achieve your generosity goals, even if you don’t yet have any! You’ll hear stories from people who never realized God could use them in such a significant way. From big gifts to small gifts, from teenagers to multi-millionaires, God wants us all to live generously. In this book, you’ll learn to think about your generosity as an act that is way more about what it does in you than what your dollars can do. As Pastor Rob gets vulnerable with some of his own struggles early in his life in ministry, you will see that God’s faithfulness can take the most unlikely story and launch a movement of generosity.

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About The Author

Rob Ketterling is the founding and lead pastor of River Valley Church, a vibrant and generous church with 10,000 people attending each weekend at 12 campuses across the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area and Vancouver, Canada. Launched in 1995, River Valley is a local church with a global heart, each year giving more than $10 million to missions. Most recently, they gave $11.59M to missions in 2023.

Rob's ministry journey over the last 30 years has equipped him to encourage leaders to take their influence and generosity to the next level. He is the author of several books including Keep the Change, Change Before You Have To, Fix It!, Front-Row Leadership, Speed of Unity and his latest book The Generous Life. He currently serves on several organizational boards including the Executive Presbytery for the Assemblies of God USA, the Lead Team for the Church Multiplication Network (CMN), and the board of Regents for North Central University.

Rob loves traveling, golf and enjoying time with his wife Becca, and their two sons, Connor and Logan, his daughter-in-law’s, Alexia and Mikayla, and his grandson Beckham, son of Connor and Alexia